SIAD is a leading Italian chemical Group operating in the Industrial Gases, Engineering, Healthcare, LPG and Natural Gas sectors.
The Group has been active for almost 100 years in the Industrial Gas business and is also acclaimed for its well-known and established presence in the Engineering sector. In the Healthcare sector, it offers healthcare facilities and also operates in home care.
Other services include: environmental management, marketing of consumer goods and distribution of industrial goods. With the acquisition of the Istrabenz Plini Group, business activities extended to the sales and distribution of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and methane gas, even in urban networks, and to energy solutions.
Over the years, the name SIAD has become synonymous with experience, tradition, and sound corporate structure, while also offering a solid guarantee of reliability and integrity. Key values in the company’s operations include research and technological innovation, which are a core part of the group’s DNA and have always been indispensable for growth and market success. SIAD’s main credentials include an unwavering commitment to quality, safety and environmental respect as well as social responsibility in relation to the community and the Group’s institutional counterparties.
Business Details
- Via San. Bernardino, 92
- Bergamo, I - 24126
- Italy
- Tel: +39 035 328111
- Fax: +39 035 315486
- www.siad.com
- [email protected]
Subsidiary Companies
- SIAD Austria GmbH
- SIAD Bulgaria EOOD
- SIAD Czech spol. s r.o.
- SIAD Macchine Impianti S.p.A
- SIAD Hungary Kft
- SIAD Poland
- SIAD Romania s.r.l.
- SIAD Slovakia spol s.r.o.
- SIAD Engineering Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
- SIAD Macchine Impianti Middle East F.Z.C.
- SIAD Macchine Impianti Sucursal de Espana
- SIAD Engineering (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd.
- SIAD France SAS
- SIAD S.P.A. – W. Eichstetter GmbH Industriegase
- ESA Manufacturing PVT. Ltd.
- Belgian Branch of ESA
- Plinarna Maribor d.o.o.
- Istrabenz Plini d.o.o.
- TPI Tecno Project Industriale S.r.l.
- TPI Tecno Project Industrial Ltda
- ESA S.p.A.
- Show More
- Air Separation Plant
- Air compressors
- Ambient Vaporizer
- Automated Cylinder Filling Equipment
- Carbon Dioxide Plant
- Combustion Carbon Dioxide Plant
- Compressors
- Cryogenic Air Separation Plant
- Cryogenic Storage
- Cylinder Filling Equipment
- Cylinder Labelling and Coating
- Cylinder Testing
- Cylinder Tracking Software
- Dry Ice Plants Carbon Dioxide Plant
- Electric Vaporizer
- Extraction Carbon Dioxide Plant
- Gas Analyser Control Equipment
- Gas Calibration Equipment
- Gas Chromatograph Equipment
- Gas Control Equipment
- Gas Control Mixer Panel Equipment
- Gas Detectors Control Equipment
- Gas Management System Control Equipment
- Hydrogen compressors
- Manual Cylinder Filling Equipment
- Medical Gas Systems/Plant
- Mixing Panels for Cylinder Filling
- Nitrogen Plant / Generators
- Non-Cryogenic Air Separation Plant
- Oxygen compressors
- Pressure Swing Adsorption Nitrogen Plant
- Recovery Carbon Dioxide Plant
- Steam Vaporizer
- Vaporizers
- Water Bath Vaporizer
- Asset Management
- Business Consultancy
- Commissioning Engineers
- Consultancy
- Cryogenic System Design
- Cylinder Recycling
- Cylinder Tracking
- Environmental Consultancy
- Equipment Leasing
- Equipment Services
- FDA Training
- Gas Associations
- Gas Haulage
- HSE Training
- IT Advising Consultancy
- Laboratory Services
- Leak Testing
- Manufacturing Execution Systems
- Operational Training
- Plant Design
- Public Relations Consultancy
- RFID Asset Tracking
- Regulatory Compliance Consultancy
- Repairs
- Safety Certification
- Safety Consultancy
- Telemetry
- Training
- Welding Services
- Acetylene Distributor
- Acetylene Producer
- Argon Distributor
- Argon Producer
- Breathing Air Distributor
- Carbon Dioxide Distributor
- Carbon Dioxide Producer
- Carbon Monoxide Distributor
- Diving Gases Distributor
- Dry Ice Distributor
- Dry Ice Producer
- Electronic Gases Distributor
- Electronic Gases Producer
- Gas Distributor
- Gas Producer
- Gas Trader
- Helium Distributor
- Helium Producer
- Homecare/Respiratory Gases Distributor
- Hydrocarbon Gases Distributor
- LNG Distributor
- LPG Distributor
- LPG Producer
- Medical Gases Distributor
- Medical Gases Producer
- Nitrogen Distributor
- Nitrogen Producer
- Nitrous Oxide Distributor
- Oxygen Distributor
- Oxygen Producer
- Rare Gases Distributor
- Refrigerant Gases Distributor
- Special Gases Distributor
- Special Gases Producer
- Welding Gases Distributor
- Welding Gases Producer